Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Something that mildly grinds my gears.

I was discussing my tattoo plans with a few buds when the majority of them piped up and questioned my tat motives.
Each of them asked what the significance of my tattoo was, begging me to tell them that I was seeking some unoriginal Chinese symbol that I believed meant unity when translated properly actually meant crab.
So now I must have a rage rant.
Why o' why must I need a reason to ink up 2cm by 2cm of my left hip??
For now, I thoroughly enjoy the prospect of getting a tattoo and do not seek any meaningful reason to persue inking my left hip.
I do however acknowledge that in 50 years time when I can just about tuck my boobs into my socks I might not love having a tattoo no matter how small or how meaningless it may be. However i'm sure i'll have far too many folds of skin on my guts for anyone to see it in all its glory.
There you are.

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