They sell superb one off items from a tonne of funky eras. Even talking about it makes my heart flutter!
I was completely set on purchasing this beautiful electric blue dress with a bow tie neck from the 70's but it was far too small. When I discovered that the zip wouldn't do up past my shoulder blades a little part of me died inside.
So I looked at a few of their other spectacular items and fell madly in love with a pair of black lace ups!
They had the most perfect crocodile detailing on the front of them and along the sides and a winsy little heel.
Here they are, the most perfectly manufactured shoes, ever!
I also came across a delicious navy dinner jacket with big detailed buttons and cute little bows on the cuffs.
This shop was just busting with goodies!! So I purchased that too. It looks black in this photo but don't stress, it isn't.
Anyway. I am ecstatic. I got straight home and put it all on and paraded around my house like some sort of a juvenile tweenager. And no I didn't misspell 'teenager'. I mean TWEENager. You know, those naff as 11 and 12 year olds who smother themselves in barbie make-up and talk as if they're twenty five.
Anyway, I plan on wearing my shoes and jacket until death does us part. And then I will hopefully be cremated in them as well.
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